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Community Education



Quarryview Education Center

Quarryview Education Center is the new home for St. Cloud Area School District 742 early childhood and community education programs including adult basic education.

Quarryview Education Center

In June of 2014, St. Cloud Area School District 742 Community Education and Early Childhood programs became homeless after a lightning strike burned to the ground the old Roosevelt School on Third Street North in St. Cloud. The programs then moved to temporary space at Discovery Community School in Waite Park and at the Colts Academy site in St. Joseph.

The new Quarryview Education Center is a 68,000-square-foot state-of-the-art facility that houses the following programs.

The community education and adult basic education section of the building features eight classrooms with multimedia screens and equipment for distance learning. The computer lab offers 30 computer workstations.

Community education programs serve about 2,500 people a year and adult basic education serves approximately 400.

Central Minnesota Adult Basic Education (ABE) helps adults to become fully participating, self-sufficient members of our society. Central MN ABE is a regional partnership between 26 school districts, including St. Cloud Area School District 742. Adult learners in these communities are served at numerous learning sites during daytime and evening class hours throughout the year.

Quarryview Education Center is also the home of District 742 early childhood education. We welcome families living in the St. Cloud area and surrounding communities to participate in Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE), District 742 Preschool, Early Childhood Screening and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) programs.

The early childhood family education wing serves children from birth to age 5 and their parents. Four child classrooms and three parent classrooms line one hallway. A library separates the parent/child rooms from the preschool wing with its nine classrooms. In addition to the classrooms, there are two gyms for preschoolers to learn large- and small-motor skills. Outside the preschool wing, there’s a fenced in area that includes bicycle track and playground equipment. The early childhood family education program serves about 720 parents and 800 students per year. The preschool program serves about 480 children. Throughout the building, large windows let in natural light and room lights can be dimmed to match the natural light

Quarryview is located at 800 7th St S in Waite Park just west of Discovery Community School.