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Community Education



Advisory Council

On behalf of St. Cloud Area School District 742, we are always looking for members to serve on a future District 742 Community Education Advisory Council.

We are seeking a broad-based membership that best reflects our communities. We are also looking to this group to provide council on a number of important topics, issues, and ideas. 

One of our goals is to have a group of committed community members that agree to follow a set of meeting protocols, and are able to attend meetings on a regular basis. 

The mission of the St. Cloud Community Education Advisory Council is to:

  • Identify and assess community needs and interests within St. Cloud Area School District 742 relating to Community Education;
  • Identify available and potential resources to meet community needs and interests;
  • Help to avoid the duplication of community programs, services, and activities;
  • Provide input and feedback on the goals, objectives and development of the Community Education Department;
  • Provide input and feedback on the development of the annual Community Education budget, as well as monitor the general financial status of the Department;
  • Increase and improve communication between Community Education and residents, staff, organizations, agencies, businesses, and schools within St. Cloud Area School District 742;
  • Promote the community education philosophy of citizen involvement and lifelong learning to the residents, staff, organizations, agencies, businesses and schools within St. Cloud Area School District 742;
  • Assist with the evaluation of the Community Education Department as well as within specific program areas;
  • Identify opportunities for Community Education Advisory Council members to further their knowledge of Community Education through participation and in-service training.

If you are interested in being considered for membership in 2024-25, please fill out an online application. For assistance please call 320-370-8200. Thank you for considering this leadership opportunity and for making an impact on our programs!

Advisory Council Application